16 Weeks! Posted on October 24, 2013 by Christy Murphy Liberty is trying so hard to roll over from back to stomach and talking UP A STORM! Can’t wait to hear all this sweet girl has to say!
Hi Halfpint 16 weeks oh my how time flys. You will be walking before we know it. Keep working hard you’ll make it.
Hi Princess You are growing so fast! You just keep getting cuter and cuter! I cant wait until you can talk either. Love you Bunches!!!
Hi Halfpint
16 weeks oh my how time flys. You will be walking before we know it. Keep working hard you’ll make it.
OH MY GOD that video is so cute!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Princess
You are growing so fast! You just keep getting cuter and cuter! I cant wait until you can talk either.
Love you Bunches!!!