Liberty had a great day with family, food, and presents!
She loves all her new legos, princess dolls, clothes, but her favorite present is her new owl curtains and bedspread from Nanny and Rhonda. Thanks to Pap for the owl stuffed animal and Becky and Ben for the owl hat and scarf!
Liberty wanted a ballet cake with a tutu of three different shades of purple, a big undertaking and it didn’t turn out exactly how I wanted, but she seemed happy.
She blew out her candles at her birth time 3:12. I cannot believe we have had her for six years! I can’t imagine our lives without her! 🤗
Happy Birthday 🎁🎈🎉🎂🎊

LOOK WHOOS 6!!!!!!
Had a great time celebrating your birthday, so happy I could be there. I am glad you liked your new bedspread and curtains, you waited a long time.Hard to believe you are 6, but you will always be MY LITTLE PRINCESS!!