Happy 8th Birthday, Adleigh!
Adleigh began the day with a new “8 and Flamazing!” shirt from Rhonda to wear for her birthday!
Next, she started the morning with toast and a present from Becky and Ben!
At school she was proud to show off her shirt and hear birthday wishes from her friends. Then, we enjoyed a Chick Fila lunch, her favorite. After lunch Adleigh and Dad headed to her favorite place—Busch Gardens!

After lunch Adleigh FaceTimed with Beth and was so excited for her Bluely game, cookbook, and flamingo slippers!

While Adleigh and Dad were at Busch, Lou and I prepared Adleigh’s favorite garlic knots and manicotti.

Meanwhile, Adleigh and Dad had a blast at Busch!
After Busch, Adleigh came back for her requested garlic knot cake.
Then, we did some presents. She was excited for books from Nanny
Next, we FaceTimed with Rhonda. Rhonda sent a bunch of stuff. Adleigh LOVED her flamingo yoga shirt, rug, and clock! Liberty was glad Adleigh got some silky pjs! Canton was thankful for some spending money for his NYC and Disney trips! They all loved the musical card.

After that, we talked with Poppy and Grandma on the phone. Adleigh was thankful for her gifts, especially the Bluey related ones!
Thank you Pap for the card, and the Chick-Fila bonus!
Finally, Adleigh got her presents from us. Books, curtains, but I think the Hershey giant bars were the clear favorites! Happy Birthday, Peanut! We will love you forever!!

HAPPY 8th Birthday Adleigh
Hope your day is FLAMAZING!!