Mike had an early Father’s Day a few Fridays ago during the Food and Wine Festival at Busch with 15 meal sampler. He was quite happy at the end of that day. He has been so busy at WP with Peter and the Starcatcher.
While most dads will enjoy a steak and a day off of lawn care , Mike will be crew for the 2pm show and they will strike (take down) the set (which he helped build!) and then have their cast party and probably won’t be home until 11pm, as has been the case for countless days since March. Then Saturday he will help build the set for Canton’s show, Elf the Musical. That is just the dad he is, always looking for ways to support his kids’ endeavors. He may have dreamed of coaching Canton in wrestling, but we let our kids be who they are, and Mike adjusted his own expectations of teaching pin combinations to watching tap combos instead. He has literal blood, sweat, and tears into all of the kids’ pursuits, cheering from the wings as they blossom in so many unexpected ways. His flexibility and support makes him just the dad my kids need and the partner I am so blessed to have by my side. We love you, Mike! Happy Father’s Day!