5 thoughts on “13 Weeks!

  1. Hi Buddy
    I know this will make your Aunt Becky so HAPPY to see. Tell Mom&Dad thanks for helping you do the video. I sure can see how big you have gotten. Miss you all, see you soon
    Love Granmal

  2. oh my goodness! if that isn’t the cutest thing i have ever seen! 🙂 you are a doll Canton Murphy!

  3. Can-Man, you just made my week!!! That was the cutest shout-out video I have ever seen. Thank you for thinking of me during your busy day. It is so great to see you in action. You really are the happiest baby in the whole world. I got your picture collage today and it’s the first thing to go on the fridge! Happy 13 weeks…I love and miss you so very much! Give mama & papa a big burp for me to let them know I miss them too!

  4. Happy 13th Week!
    The Can man continues to grow.
    Grandma and Grandpa look forward to seeing and talking to you soon.

  5. Hi Canton Gregory
    “Happy 13th Week Birthday”…..Each day you are growing, smiling and doing more things. We love you so much and I know you made Aunt Becky’s day with that darling video. We hope to see all of you soon. You are the apple in everyones eye and continue to be a very special little boy. We look forward to seeing the next phase in your growing up.
    So glad we can see all of the cute little things you do. Be good!!!!Mom & Dad are doing a wonderful job taking care of you and teaching you new things and reading to you. You are truly blessed Canton Gregory……
    Love you!!!!

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