Liberty is Six Weeks!

We thought we’d put them in the same outfit for six weeks (sorry it’s blue Rhonda, but we did have purple socks!).  Despite being smaller than Canton when she was born, Liberty is bursting at the seems in this outfit!  She’s been sleeping really well, up to 5-6 hrs at night and still so sweet!

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Who’s Who?



liberty 6

2 thoughts on “Liberty is Six Weeks!

  1. Hi Princess
    Even though you are in your brothers clothes you are still adorable! You are really growing to fast. I hope to come and see you in October. Lets hope this is the one and only time mommy and daddy put you in Cantons clothes (ha ha).

  2. Holy guacamole miss liberty! I can’t believe how much bigger you are just since I saw you a few days ago. Glad to hear you are sleeping well at night. You are such a good girl and you look just as cute as canton in that onesie 🙂

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