Liberty is 15 months

Lots of changes again for Liberty!

She LOVES LOVES LOVES spaghetti, but she is still dealing with two teeth! Speaking of things she loves: SHOES! Rhonda bought her some dress shoes in FL and she took off through the store on those things like she has worn them for 20 years! She loves to take them off and put them on all by herself! I see a closet full in her future! 🙂

She has shown a lot of interest in the potty and has done both 1 and 2 several times! She is so proud of herself!

She has also added “ball” “Rha Rha” and “Nanny” to her vocab! She gets so excited saying “Nanny!” She can make sounds/identify lots of animals, our favorite is still pig though, hilarious! But she’s added the sign and sounds for cat, dog, and a few others.

Yay for a great 15 months!





Weight: 22.75 lb
Height: 31.75 in

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