Happy 9th Birthday, Adleigh!

Adleigh started her day with a new shirt from Rhonda!

An early morning card from her “sister and best friend”

Leotards from Becky and Ben!

And a chip filled lunch…

Poppy, Grandma, and Beth FaceTimed the birthday girl.

Later it was Christmas Carol read through along with a Happy Birthday song!

Followed by a Little Charlie’s meal and FaceTime with Pap, Nanny, and Rhonda.

To Adleigh as You Turn 9

Dear Adleigh,

Oh Peanut, how are you nine????

Last year I wrote to you describing how eight has always felt big to me, and now that year is totally gone! But, it was filled with beautiful memories. I know that this year will be as well.

Even though you are nine you still are so little to me. Maybe it is just you being my baby dooms  you to always seem small, but inside that tiny body you are so feisty. Your body continues to remain tiny, but you are certainly adding muscle through all your hard work at gymnastics, you are so strong! Still well under 60 pounds, I am thankful I can still pick you up easily. I know the little days are fleeting. There comes a day when you pick your kid up for the last time, that’s why I still pick up Canton on his birthday, it is just so sad, but you just get too big, physically and maturity wise, so until that day comes I will cherish every time you say “uppie uppie uppie”.

Your life is still pretty much all about family and gymnastics, with a little theatre added in. This past season you won many medals and traveled the state to perform at meets. You worked through some ups and downs. From not completing a vault in Fredericksburg to winning sixth in state on beam! You have worked so hard, it was no surprise when you were chosen as Hardest Worker by your coaches and teammates. You are always the first one done with your workouts and you cheer on your teammates to push through. Several coaches have commented how they love watching you, they comment how hard you run the stairs on your leg days, and the energy you put into perfecting your form. Even after practicing seven hours a week at the gym, you still work hard at home too, cartwheeling through the house and doing handstands while having a conversation. You do a little floor routine each night before bed. You are a great teammate, you manage your time well, and you always do it with that infectious smile on your face. I admire your commitment to practice and the way you face challenges head-on, always striving to improve. You don’t just work hard in the gym either, you always work hard in school. You were advanced on all your tests and are grade accelerated in math. You fill your time waiting on your classmates with reading, eager to suck up any knowledge you can. May you always work hard, know when to stop, and love what you do.

Hard work is an important thing, but family is everything. You are an incredible sister and daughter. I love dancing at 12:34 or moving to the jardiance commercials with you. So many of my fond memories are playing card games, like Monopoly Deal or Old Chud, and hearing your big laugh as you make a good move or your whispers as you and Lou try to plot an advantage. I love hearing you yell “chiiiiiiippppsssss” when it is time for a snack or watching you peel the skin off of every grape as we play. I can’t forget to mention your spot on impressions of Canton and Dad. Every time you come home from gymnastics you make a guess at what I’ll say (Girrrrrrrl where have you been? Or I missed you so!!!!) and make a little dance when you perfectly predict me. You make us laugh each and every day with your jokes, impressions, and physical comedy. You always find room for joy. You are also so supportive. If Lou is having a hard time you are always so concerned, you help her by grabbing Owen or the Fail-a-bration book to remind her mistakes are ok. You hate when someone is upset, and you always do what you can to help. If I need something from you I simply ask and you shout out “Got it!” and off you go to do your part. Mr. Rogers says look for the helpers. May you always be a helper and always express your love so freely.

Much of the next ten years, or all of life really, is about finding your place in the world. You are always, genuinely, completely yourself. Another place that you are finding yourself is not just the gym, it is also the stage. You were in Christmas Carol for the first time last year and you will be again this year! You participated in Stagelights again this year in North Pole Musical. Just like in the gym, you put so much effort and time into learning your lines, your blocking and dance steps, and making sure everything was just right. Every character you play will teach you something about yourself. I feel all the feels watching you on stage. You getting up there is the result of your work, but also the labor of love from others. From the love of your brother helping you with your singing, to your sister practicing lines with you, and dad giving so much of his time to share that special time on stage with you. Whether perfecting a routine or nailing your lines, mistakes are part of the process, you don’t find yourself without them. Embrace them, learn from them, and never let anyone or any mistake take your light. All along the way we will always be your biggest fans. May you always be open to new experiences and enjoy the journey, not just the destination. May you always be you.

Canton calls you Lil Sass for your quick wit. How does someone so tiny already encompass such confidence, humor, and joy? What are your tween/teen years going to be like? Well, those next years are not going to be without challenges. I promise to you that I will always be here for you in everything you do, or don’t do. Gymnastics will get hard. School will get hard. Life will always be hard. But you have the drive, determination, confidence, smarts, and just pure joy to lift yourself up anytime you fall, and I will be there cheering you on from the sidelines, and anytime you can’t, I’ll be there to catch you. I’ll be there to swat the bees away and mend broken hearts. You are my heart outside my body and I just love you so.

Happy 9th Birthday, my beautiful peanut! May this year be filled with even more bends, twists, leaps, and flips as you find your way to new heights.

I’ll stay with you forever!!!!!  I’ll love you forever, Peanut!



To Liberty As you Turn 11

Dear Liberty,

Happy 11th Birthday!

My sweet hibou, how are you 11? As someone who used to hang out with eleven-year-olds on a daily basis I have to say, I am so amazed by you! I have taught hundreds of kids, but none as kind and tender hearted as you. 

This year has been filled with awards that shine as evidence of your brains, persistence, and determination. You got all As again, Student of the Month, and PERFECT scores of your end of year tests! You also completed all your level 2 harp songs and will be moving to the Harp Ensemble in the fall.  You have been working diligently in speech and have shown much improvement. I still remember the little girl that was determined to ride a bike, and you did! You did it all by yourself! When I thought you needed a break or to regroup you just kept on, you knew you could do it! I see that same determination in you today. Whether it is working through a math problem, dancing your fingers across the harp, doing your speech exercises, or even just this week trying to improve your freestyle swim stroke, you are full of persistence and determination.  Those traits will take you so far in life. 

May you always “Just Keep Swimming”.

Owls are still a big part of your personality. But, you have added squirrels to the mix. We have a scurry of squirrels to observe in our backyard each day. You and Adleigh have given them names like Bushy, Bushward, Cinnamon, and of course dad’s favorite, Carl.  I love how you notice the little things that others may miss. You see the beauty in the simple, everyday miracles of life. Your office is filled with beautiful and detailed creations, and of course many, many Owen drawings. Your room, decorated with all those lovely owls, is a reflection of your unique personality and interests.

May you always “see living as its own reward” and find beauty in everything around you.

When I was little I always imagined my own family, but I cannot believe how lucky we are! I also wondered what my kids would be like. All three of you are beyond any expectation. You, my first girl, I worried if you would struggle with the same insecurities and lack of confidence I had. Not you, you know exactly who you are. You are the girl that has strong opinions about her clothes, her likes and dislikes, and you know your boundaries. You are the girl who would yell “Je suis forte!” as you worked to perfect your cartwheel. You are the girl that does her speech exercises without being reminded. You are the girl that knows how she best learns. You know musical theater is not your thing as much as it is for Canton, but you still committed to Stagelights and, in usual Liberty fashion, put so much work into your lines and blocking and produced a wonderful show! You also found that you love learning how things work backstage, the props, the lights and sounds, and you have all the makings of a fabulous crew member, you are a girl who knows how to get stuff done! 

May you always know who you are, and know you will always be enough.

You are heading to middle school this year, but still within the comforts of the home that means so much to your success. If I’ve learned anything from years in the trenches as a middle grade teacher, it is that you need role models and love more now than ever. You are still the little girl that nuzzles into me for hugs and gives the tightest hugs ever to dad, it is hard to imagine those days may be waning. As you step into this new year of your life, always remember how truly extraordinary you are. Keep being determined, keep finding joy in the things that captivate your heart, and keep being just who you are. You are a remarkable young human, and I am so lucky to be part of your journey. I promise I am always on your side. I will love you with all that I have each day, and that love is unconditional. 

“And when push comes to shove, I will send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love…”

Happy Birthday, my sweet, owl-loving, harp-playing, determined daughter. I love you more than words can express! Je t’aime hibou!!!

I love you, Liberty!!! Me and Lou and Lou and me, so happy together!!!



To Canton As You Turn 15

Dear Canton,

Happy 15th birthday! 

What a marvel! I wish I could write a letter without gushing over just how fast you are growing up and just how soon you will be off to college. I can’t. I can’t help but reflect on the incredible journey you’ve had so far and the astonishing man you are becoming. When I look at you I see all the versions of Canton, the colicky baby to the teenager taller than me. It was just yesterday you were the toddler that would crawl into my lap with a book in one hand and a Thomas train in the other, full of curiosity and wonder. Now here you are, stepping out of your freshman year with kindness, wit, grace, and charm.

“Practically perfect, in every way…”

They say you are only as happy as your unhappiest child. Last year, that was you. You were miserable in middle school, surrounded by people, kids and adults, who did not appreciate your gifts. You missed 30+ days of school and still managed to have perfect grades. You can’t choose when people acknowledge you, lesson learned, you chose to fight forward, onward to better things.

This year, you have only missed one day, have a 4.0, and as Mr. Loy says “No moss grows under his feet!” I should know, we have added miles and miles on the van taking you all over and eat in shifts because you are rarely home. You have brilliantly juggled Marching Band, Donut Dollies, Trip to the Moon, Choir, Latin, Scholastic Bowl, Forensics, Peter and the Starcatcher, and Mary Poppins. You received national recognition on the National Latin Exam, became the first freshman ever at Jamestown to be awarded State Choir delegation, and won third place in VHSL State Forensics! The difference this past year to the one prior is nothing short of magic.

“Oh, it’s a jolly holiday…”

When I think of magic, I think of Mary Poppins. Just like Mary, you bring magic into our lives. These words transport us to a world where every moment is infused with magic and wonder, where the impossible becomes possible. I truly never know what you are going to do next. Will you entertain your sisters with trivia about different cultures and ages past? Will you compose a masterpiece? Will you captivate audiences with your performances? Will you simply share in laughter at Curb and flawlessly predict upcoming twists?

You have this remarkable ability to brighten up even the gloomiest of days with your infectious laughter and boundless curiosity. Your teachers adore you, really, I’ve gotten that email several times this year! Like Mary, you have a way of turning the ordinary into the extraordinary, and I can’t help but marvel at the joy you bring to everyone around you.

“Up through the atmosphere, up where the air is clear, oh, let’s go fly a kite!”

Mr. Stone said this song would make all the older people cry, and you did not get that, or more precisely, you do not find the same value in simple joys, you were too busy worrying about perfecting the blocking and vocals. These words remind us to cherish the moments of pure delight, to revel in the beauty of the world around us, and to find solace in the company of loved ones. I loved watching you splash and play in the pool the night before the state finals of forensics, soaking up the fun with you sisters and enjoying a hotel experience before such a big day. May you never be too old or too serious to just go fly a kite! 

“Childhood’s a step in time, parenthood’s the same…”

You have transitioned from childhood to a teenager and soon you will be an adult. Each of these steps bring lessons for life.  Embrace the journey, cherish the memories, and learn from every experience. Don’t always feel you have to have one eye on the future, the good old days are happening right now, and they will dance on by before you know it. May you not always be longing for the next step, never miss a chance to relish in each one. 

“Winds in the east, there’s a mist coming in, like something is brewing, about to begin…”

Just like Mary Poppins taught Jane and Michael, you’re growing up to be kind, brilliant, responsible, and full of potential. Your sense of wonder knows no bounds, and I admire your courage to keep learning and growing. Whether you’re soaring high on the wings of imagination or facing the challenges of growing up, or even general teenage angst, always remember that you carry magic within you.

As you embark on this new chapter in your life, I want you to know that I believe in you with my whole being. You have already accomplished so much, and the world is truly your oyster. Keep embracing life with your same sense of wonder and curiosity, you will say it is cliche or too sentimental, but there really is no limit to what you can achieve.

“Anything can happen if you let it, life out there is waiting, so go and get it…”

Life is full of possibilities. As you step into your 16th year, remember that anything can happen if you allow yourself to dream, to believe, and to act. There will be challenges along the way, but with determination and perseverance, you can overcome them all. You possess a unique blend of magic and resilience. I have watched you bang on the piano for hours to perfect your craft. You practice dance moves in tiny moments when you think no one is watching. You have a dedication of which many can only dream.  You have the power to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary, to find joy in the smallest moments, and to spread kindness wherever you go.

Huzzah, my dear Canton, on your fifteenth birthday! May your day be filled with laughter, love, and all the magic that you bring into our lives. Always remember, no matter where life takes you, you’ll always be magic to us.

I love you sunshine!



To Liberty as You Turn 10

Dear Liberty,

Lou, you are 10!!! How is it that the girl that waited so long to be born is already a decade old?

Ten years ago you were a tiny owlet nestled in my arms and now you are 10, spreading your wings and soaring to new heights. Happy 10th birthday, my wise and beautiful girl!

What a year you had in school! In the FLEX program you excelled and were so happy! No more fighting over your socks or trying to put your screaming body into the car, you are so content. You got straight A’s again, a perfect score on your Virginia Studies SoL test, and were a leader to your classmates. You were kind, organized, and determined. You woke up each morning ready to go and start your day of learning. You kept up with your activity log and spent so much of the day reading, you love Diary of a Wimpy Kid and the Babysitter’s Club, and even worked in harp practice each day. You made powerpoints, created beautiful art, researched Google Maps, excelled in fractions and decimals, and transported all over Virginia in your immersive adventures. You even wrote a story about Owen that was read all the way in the United Kingdom! Not too shabby for a girl that used to hate to write. The school year ended with you being awarded the Presidential Education Award for your grades and leadership.

Like an owl perched upon a branch, you are observing the world with wide-eyed wonder and wisdom. The owl, with its keen vision and acute perception, symbolizes your ability to see beyond the surface and understand the deeper meanings of life. You have a natural curiosity that compels you to seek knowledge. May you always be curious as you search for the best life has to offer.

Just like the owl, you possess remarkable intelligence and intuition. Your keen mind absorbs information and your curiosity continues to grow. Embrace this wisdom, symbolized by the owl, and let it guide you on your journey through life.

But the owl is not only wise; it is also graceful. Your gentle nature and kind heart radiate a warmth that touches everyone around you. You have an innate wisdom that helps you understand people and emotions. You remind me so much of Mal when someone swallows wrong, you rush to their side and make sure they have water or whatever they need. You always know when someone is having a bad day and I just love how you and Adleigh stick up for each other against Canton or Dad. May you always view your empathy as a strength. Knowing yourself helps you know the world. True strength is not diminishing someone else’s light, it’s letting everyone shine.

The next ten years will change a lot. You will be out in the world, finding your place in it. As you embark on this next decade of your life remember to trust your instincts and embrace your unique voice. Just as the owl hoots its distinct call, be confident in expressing your thoughts, ideas, and dreams. Don’t let anyone silence your voice. Your voice has the power to inspire others and make a positive impact in the world.

In the years ahead, there may be times when life seems challenging or uncertain. It will be full of twists and turns, triumphs and challenges. During those moments, remember the resilience of the owl. It is a creature of the night, soaring through darkness with unwavering determination. I don’t know anyone more determined than you. The girl who taught herself to ride a bike, swim, and cartwheel. And even though your asthma can slow you down, you never let it stop you. Trust in your inner strength and know that you have the ability to overcome any obstacle that comes your way, and I will always be here to lift you higher.

I am immensely proud of the person you are becoming. You are my wise little owl, spreading your wings and preparing to take flight into a future filled with endless possibilities. Embrace your uniqueness, use your wisdom, follow your passions, and always stay true to yourself.

This first decade with you was a dream. Some relatives bet that I would not have another baby after Canton, that I couldn’t love another child like I loved him. But, that’s the thing about love, it makes your heart grow, not shrink. The bond between us will stretch over this next decade, but it will never ever break. I am here for you aujourd’hui, demain, “tomorrow tomorrow”, forever.

Happy 10th birthday, my precious owl. May your future be filled with joy, love, wisdom, and magic.

Je t’aime hibou!!!

I love you, Liberty!!! Me and Lou and Lou and me, so happy together!!!


To Canton as you Turn 14

Dear Canton,


Into the Woods of High School!

Oh time, it’ a funny thing. I so vividly remember pacing the floors with you at all hours of the night. As I cradled your tiny body in mine I would dream of your future, all along you had your own plans and were forging your own pathway.

As I write this, you are in your fourth day of COVID isolation and perhaps I am getting a glimpse of what life will look like over the next four years. I am missing you terribly while you are locked in your room texting me for grilled cheese and smoothies. But, the time is coming where you won’t need me as much. Then, there will be times when I won’t see you each day. Which makes me feel like I cannot even breathe, but such is life. It is such a blessing to watch you grow each day. It is no wonder I cry at the line “Children can only grow from something you love to something you lose.” You’ll never lose me though, I will always be here, happily supporting you from backstage now.

You should be so incredibly proud of the man you are becoming. You have a kind heart, a quick wit, and a contagious passion for the arts. When I look at you I see all the stages of you, the colicky baby, the curious toddler, the kind and brilliant tween, the creative and angst filled teen, I feel lucky to be your parent. Even when you ask me endless country trivia or relentlessly beat everyone at chess.

As you embark on this new chapter in your life, I want to remind you to always be true to yourself. Never compromise your values or beliefs for anyone else. You are so remarkably YOU! Don’t change yourself for anyone and always be proud of your true self. “Nice is different than good.” Outward appearance and politeness is different than inner character, you can be nice, always be good.

High school is a tough place to navigate. There will be bombed tests, broken friendships, heartbreak, competition, temptation, but it is also full of excitement and opportunity where you will become the person you are going to be. As you face these trials and tribulations remember that your successes give you confidence and your setbacks will build your character. Failure is part of living a full life. It is a shame we can’t forget our troubles like we forget our blessings. And you have many, ‘a brain in your head and shoes on your feet’, the ability to charm any person you meet. But most importantly, a family that loves you and will always be on your side. “No one is alone, truly. No one is alone.”

You were miserable with “Raise Your Voice” this year. Even though you wowed the audience and commanded the stage with “Agony”, “Sit Down You’re Rockin the Boat”, and “Beautiful City” you were so unhappy. A lesson you have learned on stage and will continue to learn throughout life is the power of teamwork and leadership. The characters of your life all come from different backgrounds and have different goals, but when they work together, they are able to accomplish things that none of them could have done alone, just think more Madagascar than JBMS. Remember to value your relationships with others and to always be willing to lend a helping hand. I saw you do it with your cast mates, running lines and coaching them, there is so much leadership in you. Just like a show, high school teaches us that life is full of challenges and setbacks. The characters of your story will face many obstacles on their journey through life, but never give up. Keep pushing forward, learn from your mistakes, every obstacle is an opportunity to learn and grow. Always remember that no matter what life throws your way, you have the strength and determination to overcome any obstacle. “Opportunity is not a lengthy visitor.”

I want time to slow down and you just want it to speed up. I know middle school has been so frustrating. “I’m in the wrong story!” Please try to be present in your own life. Life is full of frustration and desperation, it often can accompany longing for something that seems unattainable, a true love, an award, or even to change time. It reminds us of the importance of resilience and persistence in the face of adversity. “Agony! Beyond power of speech, when the one thing you want is the only thing out of your reach.”

Life is a story we tell ourselves, make sure you like the main character, and at least some of the supporting cast. Make friends. Take risks. Be kind to yourself. I hope you love yourself more and are kinder to yourself more than I was in high school. It was such a hard time, losing relationships, gaining new ones, it is just so hard. People will come in and out of your life in the coming years, but their impact will never be gone. “Sometimes people leave you halfway through the woods. Do not let it grieve you, no one leaves for good.”

Take ownership of your beliefs and your values and your power to make your future. Things aren’t always what they seem and leave room and grace for people to change. I’m always on your side. “Witches can be right, Giants can be good. You decide what’s right, you decide what’s good…”

“Wishes may bring problems, such that you regret them. Better that though than to never get them.” May you feel comfortable in taking risks and pursuing your dreams, even if they come with challenges, it is better than living a life of regret.

I hope that this birthday marks the beginning of a new, exciting, and fulfilling year for you. I can’t wait to see all of the incredible things you will accomplish and the person you will become.

I love you more than words can express, and I am so thankful for you. Happy 14th birthday, my dear boy. I’m always on your side and will be here to catch you when you fall. You will never ever disappoint me more than how much I will love you. Always. We are so proud of you! I’ll love you forever!!!!!!

Love you sunshine!
