Liberty Winter 2023 Harp Recital

Liberty continues to work hard at the harp. The class had their level one and two recitals on 12/4. It is wild that just a couple years ago she was playing hot cross buns and now can perform much more intricate and beautiful songs. If she keeps working hard she will be in the level three ensemble class in the fall. Way to go Liberty, we are so proud of you!

Christmas Carol 2023

After two years of Canton and Mike performing in Christmas Carol at WP it is time for Adleigh to hit the stage! We are so proud of her for expressing an interest and putting in all the time to learn the songs and blocking. Tonight is their first of 12 performances! It couldn’t happen without Mike who has given hours to build the set, courage to take on his own role, and his guidance and love to share it with Adleigh. We are truly blessed!