Happy 9th Birthday, Adleigh!

Adleigh started her day with a new shirt from Rhonda!

An early morning card from her “sister and best friend”

Leotards from Becky and Ben!

And a chip filled lunch…

Poppy, Grandma, and Beth FaceTimed the birthday girl.

Later it was Christmas Carol read through along with a Happy Birthday song!

Followed by a Little Charlie’s meal and FaceTime with Pap, Nanny, and Rhonda.

To Adleigh as You Turn 9

Dear Adleigh,

Oh Peanut, how are you nine????

Last year I wrote to you describing how eight has always felt big to me, and now that year is totally gone! But, it was filled with beautiful memories. I know that this year will be as well.

Even though you are nine you still are so little to me. Maybe it is just you being my baby dooms  you to always seem small, but inside that tiny body you are so feisty. Your body continues to remain tiny, but you are certainly adding muscle through all your hard work at gymnastics, you are so strong! Still well under 60 pounds, I am thankful I can still pick you up easily. I know the little days are fleeting. There comes a day when you pick your kid up for the last time, that’s why I still pick up Canton on his birthday, it is just so sad, but you just get too big, physically and maturity wise, so until that day comes I will cherish every time you say “uppie uppie uppie”.

Your life is still pretty much all about family and gymnastics, with a little theatre added in. This past season you won many medals and traveled the state to perform at meets. You worked through some ups and downs. From not completing a vault in Fredericksburg to winning sixth in state on beam! You have worked so hard, it was no surprise when you were chosen as Hardest Worker by your coaches and teammates. You are always the first one done with your workouts and you cheer on your teammates to push through. Several coaches have commented how they love watching you, they comment how hard you run the stairs on your leg days, and the energy you put into perfecting your form. Even after practicing seven hours a week at the gym, you still work hard at home too, cartwheeling through the house and doing handstands while having a conversation. You do a little floor routine each night before bed. You are a great teammate, you manage your time well, and you always do it with that infectious smile on your face. I admire your commitment to practice and the way you face challenges head-on, always striving to improve. You don’t just work hard in the gym either, you always work hard in school. You were advanced on all your tests and are grade accelerated in math. You fill your time waiting on your classmates with reading, eager to suck up any knowledge you can. May you always work hard, know when to stop, and love what you do.

Hard work is an important thing, but family is everything. You are an incredible sister and daughter. I love dancing at 12:34 or moving to the jardiance commercials with you. So many of my fond memories are playing card games, like Monopoly Deal or Old Chud, and hearing your big laugh as you make a good move or your whispers as you and Lou try to plot an advantage. I love hearing you yell “chiiiiiiippppsssss” when it is time for a snack or watching you peel the skin off of every grape as we play. I can’t forget to mention your spot on impressions of Canton and Dad. Every time you come home from gymnastics you make a guess at what I’ll say (Girrrrrrrl where have you been? Or I missed you so!!!!) and make a little dance when you perfectly predict me. You make us laugh each and every day with your jokes, impressions, and physical comedy. You always find room for joy. You are also so supportive. If Lou is having a hard time you are always so concerned, you help her by grabbing Owen or the Fail-a-bration book to remind her mistakes are ok. You hate when someone is upset, and you always do what you can to help. If I need something from you I simply ask and you shout out “Got it!” and off you go to do your part. Mr. Rogers says look for the helpers. May you always be a helper and always express your love so freely.

Much of the next ten years, or all of life really, is about finding your place in the world. You are always, genuinely, completely yourself. Another place that you are finding yourself is not just the gym, it is also the stage. You were in Christmas Carol for the first time last year and you will be again this year! You participated in Stagelights again this year in North Pole Musical. Just like in the gym, you put so much effort and time into learning your lines, your blocking and dance steps, and making sure everything was just right. Every character you play will teach you something about yourself. I feel all the feels watching you on stage. You getting up there is the result of your work, but also the labor of love from others. From the love of your brother helping you with your singing, to your sister practicing lines with you, and dad giving so much of his time to share that special time on stage with you. Whether perfecting a routine or nailing your lines, mistakes are part of the process, you don’t find yourself without them. Embrace them, learn from them, and never let anyone or any mistake take your light. All along the way we will always be your biggest fans. May you always be open to new experiences and enjoy the journey, not just the destination. May you always be you.

Canton calls you Lil Sass for your quick wit. How does someone so tiny already encompass such confidence, humor, and joy? What are your tween/teen years going to be like? Well, those next years are not going to be without challenges. I promise to you that I will always be here for you in everything you do, or don’t do. Gymnastics will get hard. School will get hard. Life will always be hard. But you have the drive, determination, confidence, smarts, and just pure joy to lift yourself up anytime you fall, and I will be there cheering you on from the sidelines, and anytime you can’t, I’ll be there to catch you. I’ll be there to swat the bees away and mend broken hearts. You are my heart outside my body and I just love you so.

Happy 9th Birthday, my beautiful peanut! May this year be filled with even more bends, twists, leaps, and flips as you find your way to new heights.

I’ll stay with you forever!!!!!  I’ll love you forever, Peanut!

