Happy One Month!

My how time flies!  I’m one whole month today!  Mommy was away from me for the first time today to finish some stuff for her administration degree, she had a hard time being away from me, she really loves me.  Here are some pictures of me sleeping in my swing (you can see how I end up all crazy ways when I sleep), hanging out solo with dad today, and then some pictures of me watching the Yankee game with mom when she got back!

Four Whole Weeks!!!!

Canton is four weeks old today!  I remember being young and how I would hate when relatives would gush over how much I’ve grown and hating it, funny how your perspective changes…  He continues to bless and amaze us with every passing day.  I seriously cannot imagine life without him, and we barely remember what our BC (before Canton) life was like.  These pictures show one of his new favorite things to do, look at his handsome reflection!  He is starting to coo, you can’t imagine the goose bumps it sends through you to hear your child respond to seeing themselves or seeing your face, I wonder what those first words will feel like?

Three Weeks!!

Time keeps marching on, Canton is three weeks old today!  He’s tipping the scales at about 8 lbs 4 oz and has grown about an inch.  I can’t believe he’s been with us for three weeks already.  He has grown so much and continues to learn so many new skills.  It is incredible how you can be so in love with someone before you even meet them, and to have that love grow each day is a true blessing.  Words cannot describe the immense fulfillment we feel each day we get to spend with our little man.

Below are some pictures of Canton showing off his focusing skills and hanging out with his parents…

Two Weeks!

Canton is two weeks old today!  He went to the doctor yesterday and weighed in at whopping 7 lbs 13 oz!  He is eating a lot more at his feedings, and he is getting good at keeping his parents awake, he was up for almost five hours (from 1115am – 4pm) today.

Below are some pictures of Canton hanging out with dad and playing in his gym.  Mike has already begun his computer education, in one picture Canton looks like he is learning to type.