Merry Christmas to All!
The Murphy kids sure must have been good this year! Santa brought them all musical instruments and Adleigh named their band “The Squirrels”! Canton has already taken off with learning some chords on the guitar. Liberty can actually make a great sound on the violin, as opposed to my creaking staircase sound. Adleigh has played her ukulele so much she has a blister 🙁
We enjoyed FaceTiming and opening gifts with Nanny and Rhonda. Thanks to Becky and Ben for the games they sent!
Liberty is so excited to her new silky pjs and sheets!
Thanks for Pap for the cards! So glad we got to spend time with you!
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We made cookies, a gingerbread house, and played games, Merry Christmas!
We visited Pap and the Murphy crew for an early Christmas.
We enjoyed a nice lunch at Pap’s followed by a stroll around his property and spending some time together. We are always so grateful and so blessed to have time with him!
Then we had dinner at Poppy and Grandma’s with Beth and opened presents. Merry Christmas Everyone!
Between Canton’s multiple shows, gymnastics, and rehearsal for Christmas Carol we have been so busy. But, It was a rare 4 hour window when everyone was home, so it was time to become “those people” and put up the tree. The girls we so excited and were super helpful! Canton indulged us for a few ornaments. Tis the Season!
Video of Santa presents
Thankful to FaceTime with Rhonda and Nanny! Canton loves his country balls, Adleigh this huge stuffed axolotel, and Liberty of course clothes and Bluey stuff. We miss everyone! Our hearts are full of so many memories this year. Merry Christmas!
We FaceTimed with Beth, Poppy and Grandma! We enjoyed seeing their festive glasses, headbands, and sweaters. Canton loved his ships and the girls were so excited about their books! Liberty quickly figured out this color sphere hand held game and has been beating us all night. Mike was perhaps the most excited with his Atari game 🙂
Later we opened gifts from mom and dad. Adleigh loved her Flamingo themed box, Liberty is excited to use her new owl bag, and Canton can’t wait to beat us all at the Chronology history game. Let’s get those cookies and milk, Santa is coming soon!
They couldn’t wait any longer!