Merry Christmas 2021

Thankful for all our blessings! Another year on lockdown but grateful for FaceTime and the power of USPS. Here’s to future gatherings! May you each have space today to make memories and reflect on the year. Love to all!

Thanks for the FaceTime Nanny and Rhonda!

Merry Christmas 2020

Thinking of all we missed today, so thankful for all the FaceTimes and moments we could celebrate. I am so grateful for all the love within these walls and the virtual love we felt. Here’s to being together next year!

Coming down the stairs!

The trampoline was a hit! Videos to come

Merry Christmas 🎄🎁

Merry Christmas Eve 2020

Making and eating cookies 🙂

We FaceTimed with Poppy, Grandma, and Beth and also opened presents from each other tonight. Thanks Grandma for the terrifying lizard robot for Adleigh 😉

So blessed!

Adleigh loved her flamingo slippers and Eliza Hamilton book! I found a book called “Hootie Lou” for Liberty which was a big hit! Canton is excited about his legos and Hamilton shirt.

Cookies for the big guy