Aunt Becky Has Arrived!

I’m super busy now that aunt Becky and Mr. Ben are here, but I wanted to post a few pictures for everyone to see.  I put my Florida Gators shirt back on just for her, you can see my opinion has changed since the last time I wore it.  Grandma will be here tomorrow!  I know these two will keep me busy! 

Lots of Visitors!

On Monday (6/15) mom and dad took me to the school board office to visit all the beautiful ladies up there, I had a great time.  I was especially impressed with how Mrs. Harris calmed me down and was so sweet to me.  Then that evening my uncle Jesse and his girlfriend Melissa came to see me for the first time!  I am the first baby he has ever held, and he did pretty well if I do say so myself.  You’ll see from my sleeping pictures how tired I was from my big day.  I’ve also been practicing rolling to one side, that wipes me out too!  I’m excited that he’ll be spending the next few days with me.  Mal and Pap are coming down too, and Angie and Hannah are going to stop by.  I sure do have a lot of people that love me!

Grandma and Grandpa Come for a Visit!

Today, Canton’s grandparents and aunt Beth decided to come down and visit for the day! They were all excited to see how much he had grown and took turns feeding and burping him throughout the day. Once the day was over and things calmed down, Canton decided to kick back, and get some good R&R.


Christy’s version of Patty-Cake is leading in the poll by a slim margin – be sure to get your vote in!  Yes we can!