Congrats to Adleigh for winning Hardest Worker for all of Williamsburg Gymnastics! She is dedicated and a great teammate. We are so proud of her contagious positive attitude and determination!

Congrats to Adleigh for winning Hardest Worker for all of Williamsburg Gymnastics! She is dedicated and a great teammate. We are so proud of her contagious positive attitude and determination!
Adleigh worked so hard this year on the Bronze team! She is so excited to spend 7 hours a week flipping all over the place. She has had to spend time working on her vault to get is close to her higher scoring events like bar and beam.
Today, with 98 other gymnasts, she competed in the 8 yr old competition. She placed 6th on beam! She should feel so proud!! She also received a participation medal for making it to states. Congratulations, Adleigh! We love you!!!
We left at 6 am this morning to be in Richmond by 730 for gymnastics this morning. Adleigh did a great job! She had placed 9th overall, 6th on bars, and 3rd on beam! Way to go Adleigh!
We traveled to Fredericksburg today for a gymnastics meet. Adleigh had fun, but it was a tough meet with lots of teams and many older girls. Then, we went to and spent too much money at CE Cheese. Canton is back tomorrow!
Adleigh has her very first gymnastics meet this morning! She is a member of the Bronze team at Williamsburg Gymnastics. Her team placed 2nd overall. Adleigh did a fantastic job! She place 2nd on beam (9.3), 2nd on bars (9.55), and 6th in all around. Then, we had to quickly shuttle her to the theatre for a two pm show of Christmas Carol. She has had a long week!
Adleigh you have managed your time well and have been so determined. Keep reaching for the stars! We cannot wait to see what you do next! We love you!
Even after her show, dinner, and a shower she is still wearing the medals! 🙂
Adleigh had her mock meet last night. She’s worked so hard in gymnastics! We are excited to watch her compete in a few weeks!
Liberty has worked so hard for this!
Adleigh passed her level 1 gymnastics! I posted the skills they need. We are proud of our climbing girl!
Adleigh misses gymnastics terribly so marketplace to the rescue. $60 well spent!
Liberty had to do it in dress shoes and Adleigh is already doing jumps. Ahhhh