Liberty is razzing all over the place! She’s also eating a TON, cereal is coming soon! She had an appointment today with an eye specialist, she has pseudostrabismus, basically her big nose and extra soft tissue around her eye gives the illusion her eyes are misaligned, but she’s totally fine and will outgrow it. She feels lucky to have so many people make such a fuss over her though! 🙂
Category Archives: Liberty weeks
14 Weeks
13 Weeks!
12 Weeks
11 Weeks!
Ten Weeks
Nine Weeks
Eight Weeks
Liberty is really growing! Can you believe it has been eight weeks? Our favorite moment of the week—she’s sleeping 7 hours! I still have to get up and do some mommy duties but I’m starting to feel like a normal person again! 😉
Canton has drawn lots of pictures of our family this week and loves to draw his arms BIG to hug Liberty—how sweet! I was so afraid of how he’d react, he is trying to toe the line a bit more, but it has been such a blessing to see them together. He’s so gentle with her and has even taken on some chores around the house, like feeding Roxy!
Hard to believe she has her two month check up next week!
Seven Weeks
Liberty’s seventh week has been filled with smiles and squeals of delight, she especially loves her bouncy chair, but not as much as being held. Â She’s creeping towards 11 lbs and is over 22 inches!
Canton has been playing the role of reporter lately. Â He loves recording videos to tell what is happening “news wise” around the house and especially in space. See video below…just be aware, camera work of a 4 yr old
Brother Love
Liberty is Six Weeks!
We thought we’d put them in the same outfit for six weeks (sorry it’s blue Rhonda, but we did have purple socks!). Â Despite being smaller than Canton when she was born, Liberty is bursting at the seems in this outfit! Â She’s been sleeping really well, up to 5-6 hrs at night and still so sweet!
Who’s Who?