First Day of School 2020

Ready for a year like no other!

Canton started at 8 and has a pretty traditional schedule. The girls started live at 9 and have a more flexible schedule. We hit some technology snags and having two meetings at the same time was a bit much, but we will get it.

Playing race to 120

Recess for sisters and best friends πŸ™‚

Break between classes = Legos

It was actually sweet they got to eat lunch all together, that definitely would not have happened any other year πŸ™‚

Despite some hiccups we made it through the day. Adleigh seemed excited to engage. Liberty’s teacher is very organized. Canton will have a lot to navigate with all the new classes but he will get it. It’s just another new normal. They are certainly learning to be patient and flexible.

Okay, let’s see what day 2 brings.