
One cool aspect of virtual this year is having French as one of their specials. They girls so so excited and have been using many greetings around the house! Tres excitant!

Plus a cool science experiment

One Week Until Virtual

The girls are ready with their new chairs, except Adleigh is too little to raise/lower or lean her chair back 🙂

A nice new desk and a purple chair for Lou, she will be set up in the office. Adleigh will be in her pink chair in the kitchen. Canton will be in person. I will be running all over 🙂

Goodbye an Unforgettable School Year 2020-2021

Phew! I’m exhausted! What a year!

I’m so proud of these kids for preserving through laggy videos, poor connections, and teacher foreheads (Canton science!). They learned to do digital worksheets, canvas short answers, seesaw, dreambox, code spark, Epic, so many apps, and zoom of course!

Despite the virtual environment they made friends, had lots of learning growth, made bread, ate lunch together, and never missed a day of school!!

Mrs Allen was always so positive and engaging, Adleigh learned so much this year! Everyone knew her as the “flamingo whisperer” and she loved to do math and reading groups. She made so many friends and I’m sure first grade will be so exciting!

Check out this video of Adleigh and her classmates doing riddles

Liberty had Ms Friedman and went from missing 20+ days in K and first to not missing a beat this year. She grew in reading and math and even writing, although she didn’t always want to do it. She also shared her work and reflections almost everyday, she rarely talked in the classroom before. She loved to do her work at her own pace and found great happiness in art this year with Mrs DeBerry. I’m thrilled to have her home next year doing virtual again in the environment she learns best and is happiest.

Canton dealt with a whole middle school move in a virtual environment with such determination and learned to take responsibility for his learning. Although some teachers were better equipped for virtual than others he slogged through gizmos and kahoots and emailed teachers when he had a question or to point out where they had made a mistake (graciously of course 🙂 He learned so much about organizing his files, tracking his assignments, and did it all with straight As. I can’t imagine how high this kid is going to fly! Selfishly I loved all the brother and son hugs we were able to get this year before he is a too cool true middle schooler.

I am so thankful to have spent this year watching them learn, grow, and love.

Mamas and Babies

Adleigh is learning about animal changes and we have learned a lot about how babies are different from their moms. Baby flamingos are born gray, daddy seahorses give birth, and baby koalas eat the poop from their moms because they can’t process eucalyptus.

It was also cool for this mama to continue to watch them all read together at night

They even did PE together!

Yay mamas and babies 🙂