Girls Last Day of 3rd and 5th

Liberty heads to middle school next year! She finished element school strong taking advanced math and getting perfect scores on her SoL exams in science and social studies!

Adleigh also took advanced math and has greatly improved her reading comprehension. Both girls had straight As and won Student of the Month. Congrats on a successful year my loves!

On the Way to VTA

We just dropped Canton off for 4 nights/5 days away from us ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™

Heโ€™s heading to Richmond to compete in the Va Theatre Association for the one act play. He will also get to attend workshops and keynotes on everything theatre related. The girls sobbed when he left, luckily the got a bit of quality time with him before we had to drop him off. I donโ€™t like this feeling. College is going to be sooooooooooo hard.

Back to School 2023

We are excited for another great school year. Adleigh will be in 3rd, Liberty 5th, and Canton is officially a high schooler!

Adleigh will be on the Bronze team at gymnastics this year and has practice 7 hours per week. Liberty is continuing with harp. Canton is in marching band, theatre, and choir, and will likely be doing debate, chess club, Latin club. We are so proud of Adleigh, Liberty, and, Canton!