Dave Brown 2024

Adleigh has had a super busy week! She did four shows and today she had her first meet of the season before racing to Williamsburg Players for show number 5.

She did that while getting a personal best on floor and medaling in bars and beam and placing sixth all around. Way to go Adleigh! We love you!!

Bird of the Sea—State Champs!

What can I say about this show? The hours Canton has spent perfecting the music, his Cornish accent, his blocking…the hours upon hours these kids have spent together and still love each other…the way the girls get so excited to cheer for their brother…the way Canton has grown as an actor and as a person. Forever grateful for this experience!

Canton and Gracie
Alex and Warhill got second! It’s been so lovely to see these friends grow and succeed together!
With Runner Ups Warhill
The girls found their favorite acting helper, Madi!
Adleigh getting ready!
Dominic and Canton