Watching, grasping, and growing

I continue to enjoy tummy time, watching my reflection, and working on my grasping skills.  Mom and Dad are pretty wiped out from the last couple days, I’ve been eating a lot more, although they’re tired, they’re glad I’m growing and becoming so strong!

2 thoughts on “Watching, grasping, and growing

  1. Hi Can-Man! I’ve been checking you out every day and can’t get over how much you have grown! Mr. Ben thinks you should be in commercials because you are so cute. All my friends talk about how much of a looker you are! Hope you aren’t giving Mama and Papa too much of a hard time. I’ll see you in a few more weeks 🙂

  2. Hi Buddy
    Glad to see your doing what all children do, wearing out your Mom and Dad. They have not seen anything yet. (haha) Sure will be glad to see you all in about a month, your uncle Jesse will be up to see you in about 2 weeks. Keep learning and eating,
    Love you

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