
Yesterday I had my very first skype session with Awesome Aunt Becky.  I couldn’t “see” her too well, but I did get excited hearing her voice.


Later I just had fun playing with mom and dad (I had to wear the hat just for you aunt Becky).  We are enjoying our time together and we’re looking forward to a three day weekend soon, and of course, my first VT football game!




First Football Game

I went to my first football tonight!  Since I can hold my head so well and almost sit I upgraded in my stroller to sit facing outward, so I got to see a lot of the action!  I also heard the marching band, which made me very happy.  Lots of mom’s students came to see me and said I was sooooo cute!  Mom and Dad were proud of me because I made it to halftime before I wanted to come home for my nighttime bottle.  I see a lot of football games in my future! 🙂

Busy Busy

It has been a busy couple days for me, mom, and dad.  Mom offically returned on work on Monday.  She had a terrible time, but she is thankful she has Gayle to take care of me.

Wednesday mom and dad only had to work until 3, so we had time to celebrate my 14th week birthday with some tummy time, reading, and clapping games.


Later that day I saw my first rainbow…


Thursday was the BIG day.  The first day of school and mom’s birthday.  It was hard for mom to leave me, but she knows I am in good hands.  Here are a few pictures of me at Gayle’s dad took for mom at lunch.


Later, when mom got home after a LONG day, we played and had a great time.  Here are pictures of when we first saw each other after such a long day…


I capped off a long day with a relaxing bath…


Mom’s sorry she hasn’t had time to update for the last couple days, we have just been enjoying every minute we have together.  Thanks for all the birthday wishes and loads of support for her first week back, she sure didn’t know how tough it would be to leave me!

Fun with Gayle

Today was my first day with Mrs. Gayle! We had a great day together, she took such good care of me! We had fun playing pat-a-cake and I loved watching the boys play. Keep mom in your thoughts though, she pretty much cried the whole day…luckily she has good friends to help her through, not to mention a great dad!

Playing with Mom

Mom heads back to work on Monday so she is soaking up all the me-time she can. We took a trip to Target today and I got a new toy that makes noise when I throw it around.  I also got to meet Jonah and went to the park (pictures to come later).

I also got a new mirror for the car that plays lots of music and will teach me my colors.


Mostly I just love when Mom is her silly self, here is a video of us playing together.  Send Mom some nice thoughts on Monday, she is going to have it much rougher than I will!

Baby Bumblebee from Mike Murphy on Vimeo.

Big Changes…maybe…

Canton has done a lot in the last couple days.  Yesterday we had to go ‘back to school’ shopping and he slept THE ENTIRE TIME, definitely a big change!

He has also grown to 24.5 inches…


Gotten even stronger lifting his head and rolling…


and maybe, just maybe…teething???  He has been just not himself for the last couple days.  He has also been drooling like crazy and is hard to feed—not the Canton we know.  So after some discussion between us and talking to my mom, we thought…it is worth a shot.  His gums are a little swollen, but we don’t feel any eruptions yet, so who knows.  He loved the teething ring, but he’s not cranky at all this morning…he definitely keeps us on our toes!



Who Needs Sitting?

Canton is doing a great job keeping his head level when pulled to sitting.  However, sometimes he bypasses sitting completely and goes right into standing!

Canton also met Mrs. Gayle today for about 30 minutes.  He really liked AJ, he sang to him and took good care of him, the real test is the full day tomorrow…poor mom!

I like THINGS!

It’s offical–Canton is finally entertained by things!  After weeks of us thrusting toys upon him he’s really starting to interact with them within the past week. 

Here he is tracking his puppy dog rattle, he can follow objects 180 degrees quite well…

I like THINGS! 021I like THINGS! 019I like THINGS! 020

Playing with the stereotypical infant toy, debuting today, keys!  He wasn’t sure about them at first…I like THINGS! 032

but he soon changed his mind

I like THINGS! 036I like THINGS! 030

After a few minutes he wanted his best friend back

I like THINGS! 047

Then Canton decided he wanted to sit, but quickly inched himself from propped sitting into propped standing (his favorite position these days)

I like THINGS! 005 (sorry, I haven’t figured out how to rotate in this software yet…obviously “I” is Christy!)

The best part about today was Canton finally reaching his blue ring in his bouncy seat!  He’s been grabbing the lower side rings for a few weeks, but out of nowhere he got them today!!!

I like THINGS! 049I like THINGS! 048

I wasn’t able to capture a picture of it, but he was pretty proud of himself from pulling the once unreachable ring and thrilled when he saw HE could play the music instead of waiting on mom and dad!!

It is funny how everyday brings new milestones and changes.  We are the luckiest parents in the world! 🙂

New Perspective

Canton is holding his head well, so we went for a walk with his carrier with him placed facing outward!  He also enjoys his new vantage point sitting up with support and putting some weight on his legs.  Canton wanted to send a special hello to his fabulous aunt Becky as she is making her cross country journey, we miss you tons! 🙂

Growing Man

I had my two month check-up today, I tipped the scales at 11 pounds 9 ounces and am 22.75 inches.  I had two shots today also, mom and dad didn’t handle that too well, but I was a champ.

Here are some pictures of me playing in my activity gym and working on all those gross motor skills, enjoy!