It’s offical–Canton is finally entertained by things! After weeks of us thrusting toys upon him he’s really starting to interact with them within the past week.
Here he is tracking his puppy dog rattle, he can follow objects 180 degrees quite well…

Playing with the stereotypical infant toy, debuting today, keys! He wasn’t sure about them at first…
but he soon changed his mind

After a few minutes he wanted his best friend back

Then Canton decided he wanted to sit, but quickly inched himself from propped sitting into propped standing (his favorite position these days)
(sorry, I haven’t figured out how to rotate in this software yet…obviously “I” is Christy!)
The best part about today was Canton finally reaching his blue ring in his bouncy seat! He’s been grabbing the lower side rings for a few weeks, but out of nowhere he got them today!!!

I wasn’t able to capture a picture of it, but he was pretty proud of himself from pulling the once unreachable ring and thrilled when he saw HE could play the music instead of waiting on mom and dad!!
It is funny how everyday brings new milestones and changes. We are the luckiest parents in the world! 🙂