Baby’s First Jamboree

I LOVE music, so mom and dad decided to take me, as well as Becky and Ben, to Floyd’s Friday Night Jamboree. I enjoyed the tunes and won the heart of all the townfolk. Aunt Becky leaves tomorrow for her new job in California, I’m so happy I got to spend so much time with her. She helped me with rolling over more and taught me all about being a Florida Gator, and some funny stories about mom too. I’ll miss you Becky, thanks for being a wonderful aunt!!

2 thoughts on “Baby’s First Jamboree

  1. Hi Canton Gregory,
    You are growing so fast and doing so many new things. I am so glad you had such a nice time with Mom, Dad, Aunt Becky and Ben at the Jamboree. I hear you really liked the music and was so good. We are planning to come down to go to the Jamboree with you, Mom and Dad soon. You are such a sweet little boy and we love you very much…..

  2. Hi Buddy
    Glad to see you are taking up all the happenings in Floyd, I hope you enjoyed your time with Aunt Becky and Mr Ben. I know see hated to leave you. I hope to be able to see you soon.
    Love you all.

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