15 Weeks!

I’m 15 weeks old!  Big news:  I’m offically in my size two diapers now.  Mom and dad cannot believe how I have grown.  I’m 14lbs 9oz and 25.5 inches!  I’ve doubled my birth weight, can you believe it?


I’m throwing in a day 3 picture, just in case you forgot how little I was…


3 thoughts on “15 Weeks!

  1. Hi Buddy
    Glad to hear you are in size 2 now, boy how you are growing. Mom told me that you were doing real well at the babysitters, mom is getting better it will take her awhile so give her time. Just keep smiling. I sure do miss you. I hope to see you soon.
    Love you all

  2. Hi Canton Gregory,
    Well 15 weeks have gone by really fast. You are growing so fast and learning all kinds of new things. Mom & Dad are teaching you so many different things to do. I am so glad you are doing well at the babysitters. I know that makes Mom & Dad feel lots better. Your little legs are filling out really fast and you are getting taller. Guess it won’t be too much longer before you are going to be pulling up and trying to crawl around. Sure hope we get to see all of you before too long. Keep that precious smile you have and keep those beautiful eyes sparkling.
    We love all of you…..

  3. Can-Man, your great grandmal lies…you still have skinny legs bud, hate to break it to you 🙂 You’re so cute! I can’t believe how cute you were at day 3 and how much I fell in love with you…and you just continue to get cuter and cuter! Wish I could fly up there and see you right now and squeeze your chubby cheeks!

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