First Football Game

I went to my first football tonight!  Since I can hold my head so well and almost sit I upgraded in my stroller to sit facing outward, so I got to see a lot of the action!  I also heard the marching band, which made me very happy.  Lots of mom’s students came to see me and said I was sooooo cute!  Mom and Dad were proud of me because I made it to halftime before I wanted to come home for my nighttime bottle.  I see a lot of football games in my future! 🙂

2 thoughts on “First Football Game

  1. Hi Canton Gregory,
    Wow, what adorable pictures of you. You look so precious in your outfit and hat. You certainly are a busy little boy going to the football game, listening to the marching band and seeing all of the people. In your 15 weeks you sure have been busy!! Mom & Dad are enjoying doing lots of things with you and taking you to different places. You are such a lucky little boy to have so much love from all of your family. Everyday, sometimes two and three times a day, I look at your adorable pictures on the computer and am so thankful you are such a healthy, loving little boy that gives us so much happiness. These pictures look like you are a little model…….We are looking forward to seeing you, Mom & Dad soon. Enjoy being home with Mom & Dad this week-end and I know they will enjoy being home with you…..Love you!!!

  2. That hat is hilarious. Mom and dad owe you big time. Only you could pull off a hat like that! Glad you guys had such a fun time! Just be sure to follow in the footsteps of UF quarterbacks, not those crazy VT ones!

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