For the first time in a month Mom and Dad have me all to theirselves. I’m just such a popular man, everyone wants to visit me all the time. Since Mal and Pap wanted to still see me I inspired them to join my ever-growing Skype list. They are still working out the kinks, but I definitely saw and heard them, which made me very happy.
I also went up the craft show and enjoyed the fresh air and riding in my stroller. Enjoy the pictures of me playing with Mom and Dad! 🙂 Oh, everyone always says what a happy baby I am, I thought I would give you one crying picture. I hardly ever cry, but this teething stufff has me all whacked out.
You look like such a little man already! Your play-pin looks like a lot of fun, you know I am going to try to get in it with you. I like how your in your “crying picture” you aren’t even crying. I bet you had so much fun having mama and papa all to yourself, ’cause sharing isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Miss you tons kiddo and look forward to our skype play date 🙂
Ha Buddy
We know you were only crying to make Aunt Becky think you don’t like your VT outfit. Good job. Glad you can skype at a young age, Dad better watch out you will have his job soon. Talk to you all later.
Hi Canton Gregory,
When I got up this morning I heard Pap talking to someone. I came downstairs and there was you and Mom on the computer screen talking with him. It is so wonderful to be able to see and talk to you. I talked for awhile and you were smiling, sitting up and trying to pull your socks off. Everyday you learn something different. Skyping will keep us up to date on your progress until we can see all of you again and we get to talk with Mom & Dad. Hope that tooth will come in soon so your gums will stop hurting you. Love you soooooooooooo very much. Keep that smile…….