23 Weeks!

More changes have been the story of my 23rd week.  Dad bought me a piano I can kick with my feet, since I’m so into standing and stomping.  In addition, not only am I sitting better, talking TONS, but I’m starting to “swim”–looks like crawling will be right around the corner.

2 thoughts on “23 Weeks!

  1. Yous gonna be a socca playa! 🙂 Keep up the kicking buddy, I miss you so very much! And I really like your little pants, so cute.

  2. Hi Canton Gregory,
    Happy 23rd. week!!!! You are growing soooo fast and learning so many new things. I can’t wait to see you “play” your piano!!! You are really a very busy little boy and a smart one too….All of us love you so much. You are the “apple of my eye”……Keep smiling!!! Love you!!!

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