46 Weeks!

What a week! We’ve been sick, but it hasn’t kept me from walking! I had fun at the playground and I’ve been visiting the spice cabinet instead of the pots cabinet, what fun! Here’s to another week! Mom and Dad just cannot believe they had their shower a whole year ago! See everyone in 6 weeks for my birthday!

One thought on “46 Weeks!

  1. Hi Canton Gregory,
    Happy 46th. Week Birthday!!! Sorry all of you have been sick. That is not a happy way to celebrate your Birthday. You are a tough “Man” and just kept walking and playing in the spice cabinet. Everyday you find something interesting to do. You are such a smart little boy!!!All of us are looking so forward to attending your “1st” Birthday. It will be such a happy time to watch you open your presents and eat your cake. Take care of Mom & Dad as we hope they feel better too. Hope to skype with all of you real soon. Your pictures are adorable as always. We love all of you…..”Mal” & Pap

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