Zoo Part Deux

On July 19 we headed to the Brevard Zoo.  I had an AMAZING time.  It was a beautiful day, hardly any people around, and lots of shade!  I saw so many neat animals and I was able to get so close to them!  I rode a train around the park and got to see rhinos, a cheetah, monkeys, but the giraffes were by far the best part!  Can you believe that I did something with animals again that mom was afarid to do?!  I fed the giraffes!!  I was sooo brave and got a huge kick out of feeding these graceful animals.  Melvin, my favorite giraffe, let me feed him several times.  I stayed over four hours at the zoo and only got fussy a few times.  Grandma was proud of how I stayed interested in all that was going on.  As soon as we got in the car I conked out and took a 2.5 hour nap!!  That’s pretty huge for me!  Mom and Dad might need to bring me here more often!

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