Buffalo, Becky, and Bears–Oh My!

What a wonderful weekend we had! Amazing Aunt Becky arrived around 330am Friday morning, I was so excited to see her I woke right up, but mom didn’t let me see her until the morning.

Friday we played a lot in the morning and then we went on my very first hike–up the Buffalo! I really wanted to walk myself, but mom and dad weren’t too into that idea, so I was carried about 3/4 of the hike, which did NOT make me happy. It was also right after lunch, so my schedule was pretty messed up, but boy it sure it pretty up there! I had a good time at the top and walking back down. Then that evening we went to the football game, silly Aunt Becky showed some of mommy’s students how to do the UF Gator chomp!

Saturday and Sunday the rest of the family came too! Grandma, Mal, Pap, and even Great Aunt Rhonda! I sure am a lucky boy! We had some great days together. Grandma made mom stay inside while we played outside, I got soooo muddy! I also used my saying “no” and climbing the ladder skills!

I love my Aunt Becky tons! She definitely wins the Miles Most Traveled to See Canton award! I am a lucky boy to have so many people love me so much. I can’t wait until my birthday when Becky and Ben come back!!! Thanks to everyone for a great weekend! 🙂

One thought on “Buffalo, Becky, and Bears–Oh My!

  1. hey there can-man, thanks for letting me come visit you, i had such a great time! i hope that you will like me a bit more next time though, but i’m very glad i got to play with you outside and that i got a couple hugs out of you. i look forward to may when we can play again. love and miss you all!

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