Hello Hokie Bird!

Mom, Dad, and I had a fun day! We visited Virginia Tech because Dad wanted to watch some wrestling. On our way inside I got to meet the Hokie Bird! How exciting! He even gave me five, but boy did he stink! Then I hung out around campus, we checked out the football stadium where I’ll soon be playing, and we got some yummy lunch and I had a smoothie!

Later that day we carved our pumpkin! Mom kind of predicted that I wouldn’t take to it too much since I don’t like to get my hands dirty. I didn’t cry or anything, I just wasn’t really having any of it. We’ll put a video up later.

Tomorrow is Halloween! Make sure to visit later to check out my AWESOME costume! In case you forgot how cute I was last year make sure you check it out!

One thought on “Hello Hokie Bird!

  1. Hi Canton Gregory,
    Boy you certainly get around!! You will know all about Virginia Tech when it is time for you to go there won’t you??? I bet you were glad to meet the Hokie Bird. It was so nice for him to give you five. I am sure you enjoyed your lunch and smoothie.
    Looks like you all picked out a great pumpkin. Bet it will be funny when it is carved. You have fun on Halloween and please let me see you on skype with your costume on….Love all of you….

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