More Family Visits and the ABCs

Grandmom and Grandpap came down to visit me this weekend! We had a nice time playing outside enjoying the warm weather! I also played a fishing game on the IPAD with Grandpap, since Dad hates fishing so much, we had fun.

I’m getting so good at saying “jacket” I can also say “bat” now! Mom asks me where the turkey is (the one we drew together which is hanging in the dining room) I’ll point at it and then say “bat” and point to my bat that is on the fridge! I can also say “Alan” now, who is Dad’s friend that is helping with our basement. I get really excited when I hear noises from the basement and I’ll yell “Alan Alan”. He’s so nice, he let’s me play with his tape measure, it is super fun!

I also have a new app on the IPAD that sings the ABCs, it is pretty much the greatest thing in the world. I’ve been singing with ABCs a lot with mom, I’ll scream “A, A, AAAAAAAAAAAAAA” and slap my knees to let her know I’m ready to sing again! We hit our legs to the beat while we sing, it is super fun!

We head to Charlotte again on Friday for another appointment, hopefully not too many more to go.

One thought on “More Family Visits and the ABCs

  1. Hi Canton Gregory,
    What fun you had. You really like being outside walking and running around. It was so nice for Grandmom & Grandpap to come down to visit with you, Mom & Dad. It sounds like you are learning new words and talking more. Soon you will just keep learning more new words and talk, talk, talk.
    Hope to skype with you and Mom soon. Love all of you…….

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