Dance Dance

Nanny and Grandpa are back!!! We’ve had a great time reading, playing, but especially dancing!!! Elvis is becoming my favorite artist and I frequently roam around saying “Hound Dog…Hound Dog” I even say it when they try to trick me playing other songs. We’ve had a great time, I don’t want them to leave! We’re definitely going to have to visit sunny FL soon!

One thought on “Dance Dance

  1. Hi Canton Gregory,
    So glad Nanny & Grandpa are back. I know all of you have a nice time being together. It is so nice they can visit with all of you again before they go home to Florida. Maybe sometime you, Mom & Dad can pay them a visit. Keep entertaining them with your dancing, reading and just being the precious, loving little boy you are. Have fun!!!! Love all of you, “Mal” & Pap

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