Christmas 2011

We were lucky enough to go to Nanny’s for Christmas this year! I was pretty concerned about Santa finding us, so we wrote many letters to him, and guess what, he did find us!

I was such a trooper during the 11 hr trip, Mom knows she has the best kid in the world! We left at 3:30 am both times and I only slept 2 hrs on the way down and 2.5 on the way back!

Nanny’s city offically has the best Christmas lights ever! We rode around lots of neighborhoods, we saw miles and miles of lights. One street even had dozens of overhangs “bridges” I called them, (PVC piping bent in a semi-cirlce over the road), so enchanting! I kept screaming “Oh, look at those Christmas lights!” I also sang all of Ruldoph and Jingle Bells, I learned those songs FAST!

I had such a wonderful time with my Nanny and the rest of the family. We played games, spent time outside, and just being together. I enjoyed lots of Nanny’s yummy cooking, her “skabetti” is still my favorite!

Speaking of favorites, Uncle Jesse is becoming one of my favs too! We spent lots of time together reading, walking, and playing Candyland (can you believe Mom got tired of this game?!?!?!)! He’s a pretty cool guy!

Christmas was incredible! I got just what I asked for from Santa: Spencer, books, and paper towels! I was quite excited about the paper towels! I think everyone’s favorite reaction was to the clothes I got, I throw the clothes and yelled “HANGERS!”

Grandpa sure loves me too, he gave me a lot of grown-up trains that he wants me to have when I get older. We were all pretty touched by his gesture.

I sure am a lucky guy, I have a pretty fantastic family who loves me more than I’ll ever know!

2 thoughts on “Christmas 2011

  1. Hi Buddy
    Grandpal and I sure did enjoy Christmas with you Mom and Dad, thank you all sooooooooooooo much for going to Christmas chruch service with us that realy meant a great deal to Grandpal and I. You behaved so well and I know you liked it when we all lite the candles in the dark and sang. So glad we got to spend Christmas with you all. Mom and Dad have done such a WONDERFUL job raising you, but I know you make it easy for them.
    Miss you all

  2. Hi Canton Gregory,
    What a wonderful Christmas all of us had. It was a day we will always remember. You were so happy with the gifts Santa brought you and all of the other gifts all of us gave you. You got lots and lots of clothes! Thomas the train is still your very favorite!!! You played hours and hours with them and entertained all of us for hours. You are a very special little boy that has melted all of our hearts and spreads all of your love around to all of us.
    Thank you so much for the blanket you gave me with your picture on it. What a wonderful gift…..I shall treasure it forever!!! I will have it on my bed so I can look at you everytime I go in my bedroom. I must thank Mom & Dad for helping you to pick out such a “loving” gift.
    This Christmas was a memorable one and hopefully we will have many, many more together…..Love all of you and thanks for a wonderful memory…….

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