July Happenings

I’ve enjoyed my summer so much! So far this July I’ve got to spend time with lots of family members and go to some cool places!

Skyline Caverns was a thrill–I loved looking at all the rocks and to be in the cold and the dark. I even got to touch a rock, they don’t let you touch them except one. We also went to the Air and Space Museum which I LOVED! I asked all kinds of questions about the airplanes and got to see some real ones land/take off from the tower at Dulles!

I’m also learning soooooo much, especially math. Mom and dad can ask me questions like “If you have 3 trains and get 2 more how many do you have” and I impress them with the correct answers every time! I don’t even have to use my fingers 😉 Subtraction is a bit harder though, might just have to wait until I’m four for that!

Can you believe Mom even let me ride on a 4-wheeler with Ernie and Nanny? Well, she didn’t really let me, Nanny just made sure it happened! But Mom was pretty okay when she saw me grinning from ear to ear! Nanny even said that I could ride to FL with them in the motorhome and meet mom in CA in August for Becky’s wedding! Mom said she’d miss me too much and then I told her “It’ll be okay mom, don’t worry about it!” I got some big laughs out of that one!

Summer is a pretty precious time for me and mom, can’t believe it will be coming to an end soon. But, I’ll continue to grow and laugh no matter what the season!

One thought on “July Happenings

  1. Hi Buddy
    Man have you been busy this summer. I am so glad Mom was ok with you riding the 4 wheeler. we sure had a great time!!!!!!!! I wish Mom and Dad would have let you come to Florida with Me an Grandpal, we had such a nice time camping with you in the Motorhome just wanted to do it more, but I understand they would miss you!!!!!!! See ya soon.

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