Liberty is TEN Months!

Miss Liberty continues to grow and move. On 5/4 she took three steps! She was quite proud of herself and VERY wound up! Rhonda and Nanny were here to witness her moving and dancing all over the place! I probably shouldn’t wish for her to start walking, I will soon be running after her!

Her personality is coming out, and with is, quite a temper! She is the sweetest baby until she can’t have/get to something she wants, then watch out!

No teeth to report on again, but she loves to drink from her cup and feed herself bananas. She likes yogurt but pears and oatmeal are still her favorites. She is not a fan of meat and we have to work really hard for her to eat most combination dinners.

Liberty loves to play, especially stacking and nesting. She’s also enjoying getting into the kitchen cabinets! 🙂

Can you believe she is almost a year old?!

Weight: 20 lbs 12 oz
Length: 30.5 inches





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