Liberty is 18 Months!

Is is possible Liberty is a year and a half old now? Every day we are lucky enough to see more and more of her personality! She is learning SO much!

She’s up to 3 whole teeth and two 1/2 teeth!! Yay! For Christmas she did get one of her two front teeth! ๐Ÿ™‚

The most exciting thing…she’s officially potty trained! We made it down and back to Florida and the whole trip without an accident! She’s wearing all kinds of new big girl undies instead of pull-ups, she is one happy girl!

Sheโ€™s copying more and more of what Canton does โ€“ she’ll try to make some of the crazy space sounds he makes or crawl around on the floor with him. He’s also taught her how to play tag, it’s so cute to see them run past each other and she’ll scream “tag” and laugh and laugh.

You can also ask Liberty “How old are you?” and she will hold up her index finger! Thanks Rhonda and Nanny for that one!

Liberty still LOVES outside, thankfully she got a lot of outside time in FL.

Height: 25lbs
Weight: 32.5 inches



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