Adleigh is Seven Months!

Adleigh has made a lot of progress in getting things that are out of her reach. She knows if something is out of her reach while she’s sitting, she can actually do something about it, she falls forward, and reaches out for it. At this point Liberty had gotten onto all fours, Adleigh isn’t quite there, but this girl stands like a champ!

Talking wise, she mostly just yells, especially when she wants to join in all the chaos created by her brother and sister. As for actual sounds, we’ve heard lots, “ba” “ga” and even some “dada” and “mama”. She is also pretty close to waving!

Adleigh has a pretty laid back personality, thank goodness! She loves music but mostly she is content just to be held or watch her siblings! She is a laugher, she frequently laughs at all the silly things I do or especially Canton!

No teeth, but the other two didn’t get teeth for quite a while either. Food wise, she’s LOVES oatmeal and squash, just like Liberty.

We will soon have visitors for Canton’s birthday, I’m sure she will be her sweet self! She will be on the move pretty soon, things are going to get crazy around here!

Weight: 17 lbs 9 oz
Length:  27 in

One thought on “Adleigh is Seven Months!

  1. Hi Adleigh
    Look at you sitting there by yourself, you sure have grown fast! I cant wait to see you. Hopefully you wont cry cause you dont know me, but we will change that. Maybe you will learn to say Rha Rha while Im there.Keep smiling and laughing. See you real soon!


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