Adleigh is just growing and growing! Her big highlights of the month included crawling and pulling up! She’s been waving for quite a while, it is so cute when the boys leave in the morning and she waves to them!
She is definitely getting stronger too, she started crawling yesterday, army in the morning and hitched leg like Canton by evening. Our world is changing with her on the move now!
Adleigh is not a big eater. We did discover she likes peaches, but she would prefer just to nurse and nurse. We will keep trying. In keeping with Can and Lou, she also has no teeth. She can just about get herself back to a sitting position once she falls over or from her stomach.
Talking wise Adleigh babbles some but she mostly just yells. As Rhonda says, it is what she needs to do to get attention around here! 🙂
She has got her fine motor skills! She loves to open and shut the little doors on her walker and she can pick up the tiniest leaf/yard waste/couch dirt she finds, so we are on high alert around here!
Adleigh has her own personality, she is so happy! One of the three had to be right?! 🙂 Canton was/is so serious and Liberty is such a spitfire, it is interesting to watch Adleigh just be content and happy! We are so blessed to have her!
Weight: 18 lb 1 oz
Length: 27.5 inches
Hey Adleigh
You go BIG GIRL! Keep mommy on her toes! Soon you will be running around with Canton & Liberty. See you soon, hope you will remember me.