Adleigh is 20 Months!

Adleigh continues to grow and amaze us! She’s so stinking cute and funny, we just love her!

She is running, jumping, and laughing all over the place!  She can jump like a master and loves running around to keep up with her big brother and sister.

Adleigh is doing a great job feeding herself, wanting to brush her teeth, and dressing part of herself. She loves taking care of her baby dolls and her favorite thing to do is dance with Sophia.

We got a little people princess castle that she and liberty will play with together.  Liberty is Ariel and Adleigh us Belle, luckily they get along pretty well for the most part. Adleigh has had A lot of practice saying “please”.

She has pretty much all of her teeth, minus the canines and her hair continues to be crazy 🙂

She still loves green beans, spaghetti, and yogurt. She’s added a few words but mostly still just yells, that’s life with three I guess 🙂 🙂

She makes a laugh every day and we can’t imagine our lives without her!
Height: 23.1 pounds

Weight: inches


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