Back to School 2022

We head into another year with Covid still lingering and monkeypox now on the horizon. But, if parenting is anything it is an act of hope, and we are hoping for a better year. Canton will be finishing his middle school year and is excited about band, theatre, and choir. The girls are eagerly anticipating their new virtual-homeschool partnership and can’t wait to learn from Ms Gaydos in second and Mr Lewis in fourth grade. Here’s to a great year!

Rhonda was right with her comment from last year, Adleigh as the only one that could fit in the desk 🙂 Thanks for the shirts!

One thought on “Back to School 2022

  1. WOW! What a fast summer break.I love all your pictures,and I bet Adleigh will fit into that desk up to 5 th grade(LOL). I hope everyone has a Safe,Healthy, and Happy school year.OWL BET ALL OF YOU DO FLAMAZING!!!!!!!!!!


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