Canton won third place at the VHSL Forensics Championship yesterday!

So many people would be terrified to stand up and speak in front of a group. For Humorous Interpretation, Canton had to select an existing play and use it to create is own 10 minute version (interpretation). It has to be funny, have multiple characters with their own voices and mannerisms, and has to reflect the original piece with an original written introduction . Canton had a dad, three very different children, an Irish mom, dad, and son, sheep, and a dinosaur princess. Whew!
He put a lot of time into all the aspects of this. He just missed out on second place by a tiebreaker! Not too shabby for a freshman who is brand new to forensics! We are immensely proud of his dedication and drive. Canton has so many things going on, I am also impressed by this kid and I cannot wait to see what comes next! We love you, Canton!
Scenes from the competition and hotel

You are so amazing! You should be so proud of yourself for all of your accomplishments. I know that whatever you set out to do in life you will be a success at.I am so very proud of you, and I always think how Mal would always say you were a genius and LOOK AT YOU NOW!!!!