Thank you Stagelights!

Canton took his final bow as part of Stagelights Act 3. He capped off his run, which included the Dwarf in Sherek, Iago in Aladdin, King Julien in Madagascar, Crush in Nemo, and finally Buddy in Elf.

This week has been haaaaaaarrrrrrdddd. Any show week is crazy, but we never thought we would have to deal with the star having pneumonia. Canton pours his heart into everything he does. He does not know how to do anything he loves halfway. I did not want him to do the show, but I knew I couldn’t take it away from him. It had to be his decision, and he decided he had to go. The gallons of sweat that have poured out of this kid, he gave everything he had to this production. And they have given him so much in return.

We are so thankful for all he has learned and the friendships he has made along the way! The stage is his happy place, and he is nothing less than magical.

North Pole Musical!

Liberty and Adleigh performed in their show tonight! North Pole Musical was a hit! They worked so hard on their dance moves and perfecting their songs. Their voices carried throughout the theatre! We are so proud of them!

And Rhonda came!!

To Liberty As you Turn 11

Dear Liberty,

Happy 11th Birthday!

My sweet hibou, how are you 11? As someone who used to hang out with eleven-year-olds on a daily basis I have to say, I am so amazed by you! I have taught hundreds of kids, but none as kind and tender hearted as you. 

This year has been filled with awards that shine as evidence of your brains, persistence, and determination. You got all As again, Student of the Month, and PERFECT scores of your end of year tests! You also completed all your level 2 harp songs and will be moving to the Harp Ensemble in the fall.  You have been working diligently in speech and have shown much improvement. I still remember the little girl that was determined to ride a bike, and you did! You did it all by yourself! When I thought you needed a break or to regroup you just kept on, you knew you could do it! I see that same determination in you today. Whether it is working through a math problem, dancing your fingers across the harp, doing your speech exercises, or even just this week trying to improve your freestyle swim stroke, you are full of persistence and determination.  Those traits will take you so far in life. 

May you always “Just Keep Swimming”.

Owls are still a big part of your personality. But, you have added squirrels to the mix. We have a scurry of squirrels to observe in our backyard each day. You and Adleigh have given them names like Bushy, Bushward, Cinnamon, and of course dad’s favorite, Carl.  I love how you notice the little things that others may miss. You see the beauty in the simple, everyday miracles of life. Your office is filled with beautiful and detailed creations, and of course many, many Owen drawings. Your room, decorated with all those lovely owls, is a reflection of your unique personality and interests.

May you always “see living as its own reward” and find beauty in everything around you.

When I was little I always imagined my own family, but I cannot believe how lucky we are! I also wondered what my kids would be like. All three of you are beyond any expectation. You, my first girl, I worried if you would struggle with the same insecurities and lack of confidence I had. Not you, you know exactly who you are. You are the girl that has strong opinions about her clothes, her likes and dislikes, and you know your boundaries. You are the girl who would yell “Je suis forte!” as you worked to perfect your cartwheel. You are the girl that does her speech exercises without being reminded. You are the girl that knows how she best learns. You know musical theater is not your thing as much as it is for Canton, but you still committed to Stagelights and, in usual Liberty fashion, put so much work into your lines and blocking and produced a wonderful show! You also found that you love learning how things work backstage, the props, the lights and sounds, and you have all the makings of a fabulous crew member, you are a girl who knows how to get stuff done! 

May you always know who you are, and know you will always be enough.

You are heading to middle school this year, but still within the comforts of the home that means so much to your success. If I’ve learned anything from years in the trenches as a middle grade teacher, it is that you need role models and love more now than ever. You are still the little girl that nuzzles into me for hugs and gives the tightest hugs ever to dad, it is hard to imagine those days may be waning. As you step into this new year of your life, always remember how truly extraordinary you are. Keep being determined, keep finding joy in the things that captivate your heart, and keep being just who you are. You are a remarkable young human, and I am so lucky to be part of your journey. I promise I am always on your side. I will love you with all that I have each day, and that love is unconditional. 

“And when push comes to shove, I will send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love…”

Happy Birthday, my sweet, owl-loving, harp-playing, determined daughter. I love you more than words can express! Je t’aime hibou!!!

I love you, Liberty!!! Me and Lou and Lou and me, so happy together!!!

