
Mom and Dad took me to see some guy on Friday: Santa! I wasn’t super excited to see him, I cried for mom most of the time, they did manage to get one halfway decent picture.

Saturday mom and I drove down to Carroll County to watch dad’s wrestling team for a little bit. I LOVED being in the gym, it just might be my calling! Mom made us leave early though because SNOW was coming! It has been too windy to play outside in the snow, but I’m looking out the window tons and I’ve learned to say “snow”. I can’t wait to use my new snowsuit that Grandma sent! Can you believe she found a snowsuit in FL???

I’ve learned to say “Mal” and “Pap”. I ran over to the computer where we Skype the other day and said “Mal” a bunch of times, they were all pretty proud of me.

Finally, today we put up the Christmas tree. I really wasn’t too interested in helping once mom and dad said I couldn’t touch/hit it. There are a few pictures of me just staring in amazement at the height of the tree and the lights. I’m a pretty good listener! 🙂 Can’t wait to see everyone!

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