Christmas Carol 2023

After two years of Canton and Mike performing in Christmas Carol at WP it is time for Adleigh to hit the stage! We are so proud of her for expressing an interest and putting in all the time to learn the songs and blocking. Tonight is their first of 12 performances! It couldn’t happen without Mike who has given hours to build the set, courage to take on his own role, and his guidance and love to share it with Adleigh. We are truly blessed!

On the Way to VTA

We just dropped Canton off for 4 nights/5 days away from us šŸ™ šŸ™ šŸ™ šŸ™

Heā€™s heading to Richmond to compete in the Va Theatre Association for the one act play. He will also get to attend workshops and keynotes on everything theatre related. The girls sobbed when he left, luckily the got a bit of quality time with him before we had to drop him off. I donā€™t like this feeling. College is going to be sooooooooooo hard.

Finding Nemo

For the past three weeks Canton has been involved in the Stagelights production of Finding Nemo.

It certainly was not as fun as his role as Julien in Madagascar, but he was the crowd favorite as Crush the sea turtle. He also was the leader of a group of first time performers as a flock a seagulls, who got the most laughs throughout the show. We are always so proud of the dedication Canton puts into his performances!

Folk Tales

Liberty and Adleigh made their acting debut in Folk Tales today! It was a cute show of six different stories modeled after some fables. The girls were scattered throughout the show in ensemble roles and they were the big stars in ā€œWhy Dogs Chase Other Animalsā€. Adleigh was Lion and Liberty was Turtle. We are so proud of how hard they worked and for being so brave to do a show in front of so many people! Brava girls!

Raise Your Voice

Canton has been working hard since January on his school performance of ā€œRaise Your Voiceā€.

He was disappointed not to get a full musical his last year but he certainly brought the house down with his performances of ā€œAgonyā€, ā€œRockin the Boatā€, and Beautiful City. It was an experience, frustrating, annoying, exhausting, joyful, and exciting, all at the same time. He is looking forward to high school where he can hopefully experience growth as a performer. Iā€™m so proud of how he persevered through this experience and made all his castmates better.

On to the next showā€”Finding Nemo in July! Great job Canton!


Canton and Mike have been working hard since September to produce 14 shows over three weeks of Matilda. Canton is the lead boy, Bruce, and Mike fills several roles as the escapologist and ensemble.

Due to licensing I canā€™t put any video but hereā€™s a snapshot (Canton has stuffing in his shirt at the Bruce character is a big kid) So insanely proud!


Canton stole the show as King Julien! He made great friends along the way and greatly enjoyed his time learning from Marsh and all the other talented directors. We are so thankful for this talented and welcoming community!