12 Weeks!

Mom had to work yesterday so I stayed home with Dad.  We had fun reading and working on my playmat.  Mom was relieved to get home, she doesn’t do too well away from me.  Luckily for her she has lots of great people at work who can help her through her days without me!  I should probably give it up for Dad too, I’m very lucky to have a dad who helps out mom so much and loves me like he does! 

**Shout-out to Aunt Becky who is all moved into her new place in CA!  I miss you tons!

4 thoughts on “12 Weeks!

  1. Holla at cha Canton! 🙂 Seeing new pictures of you always makes me happier. You seriously can’t help but make me smile and laugh. I love you so very much and am proud of how active you are! You have the greatest parents in the world. Happy 12 weeks big man!

  2. Hi Canton Gregory,
    “Happy 12 week Birthday!!!! Boy the weeks are just going by so fast. You have blessed all of us with a wonderful twelve weeks and we are looking forward to LOTS more days, weeks, months, years, etc…..of loving and enjoying you. You are a very special little boy!!! You have a very special Mom & Dad who love you so much and spend time teaching you all of the new things you are doing…..They are so proud of you as all of us are. Always be good and keep that loving smile…..We love you!!!!

  3. What a cutie pie you are Canton Murphy!! I know that your Mom has a hard time being away from you – and rightly so! I will try to keep her occupied at work and you just have that adorable smile waiting for her every afternoon! Happy 12 week birthday! 🙂

  4. One more thing Canton…I know you love your daddy, and I think he’s pretty darn awesome too, but I think you should get some pictures with mommy. Just sayin’ 🙂

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