More Grandparents and Sippy Cup

I had a nice time with Granny and Grandpa.  Later in the day I practiced more with my sippy, I’m getting so big!  I go for my four-month shots tomorrow, I’m sure the doctors will be so proud of how I have grown!


One thought on “More Grandparents and Sippy Cup

  1. Hi Canton Gregory,
    So glad you are doing so well with your sippy cup. You are holding it just like a big boy. Everyday you are doing something different and you are advancing so fast. I am so glad you had a good time with your Granny & Grandpa and I know they enjoyed their visit with you, Mom & Dad. You are such a lucky little boy to have so many people love you so much. I hope your shots did not hurt too much and have not made you feel too bad, and I hope the teething problem is getting much better. We are coming down again this week-end to visit with all of you and to celebrate my Birthday. Aunt Rhonda & Harvery are coming up from Florida also. It will be so good to see all of you again. Keep that precious smile and the sparkle in your eyes as you are sooooo precious.
    Love you….

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