21 Weeks!

Yup – I am the big two-one today!  Not the big 21, but 21 weeks – Mom and Dad are afraid I am growing up too quickly!

Speaking of growing up, I’ve been busy trying to roll over from my back to my belly but haven’t quite got there yet.  I really can roll over that way but choose not to – it’s no fun being on my belly!

Enjoy the new pictures!

2 thoughts on “21 Weeks!

  1. Hey Can-Man! I did my first week of pediatrics…just so you know, no Mexican babies are as cute as you!

  2. Hi Canton Gregory,
    Boy, in twenty-one weeks you sure have learned a lot of things. You are so smart and cute and always so happy. I am so glad Mom & Dad keep all of us up to date on your progress and talents. Now that we have the skype we can see you and talk with you. I look forward to that!! It is also good being able to see Mom & Dad and talk with them. Keep learning new things and we hope to see you soon. Love all of you!!! I look forward that precious smile……

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