Happy Halloween!

Mom and Dad have already had several photo requests for what I have been doing all day, so here’s the first round.  I started out the day trying oatmeal cereal for the first time, I liked it A LOT, it has a much more interesting taste and texture than boring ole rice cereal.  Then Mom and I studied my pumpkin, we’ll be decorating it in a bit.  Later they put me in my  pumpkin otfit to get ready for carving!  More pictures to come later!

3 thoughts on “Happy Halloween!

  1. Hi Buddy
    Happy Halloween, That sure is a cute costume. I am looking foward to seeing your pumpkin when it is done.
    Love you all

  2. You’re the cutest pumpkin I’ve seen! Glad you enjoyed your first Halloween. Looks like you are having a great day. Love your outfits.

  3. Pingback: Hello Hokie Bird! « The Murphy Family

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