8 Months!

Will these months ever slow down?  Mom and Dad just cannot believe how I am growing.  I’m tipping the scales at over 20 lbs now, I’m a big man!

Kathy at PT is so excited about all of my progress.  Dad bought me a peanut ball to practice some of my stretches.  I can pull-up and cruise the couch, but teeth and crawling are still no where to be seen.  I’m a little backwards, but that just makes Mom and Dad love me even more!  Watch out for how much I’ll change this month! 🙂

2 thoughts on “8 Months!

  1. Hi Buddy
    I know you must be keeping Mom&Dad so buzy. You sure have grow, and are moving right along I see. Keep working hard at it, You will be crawling so soon. I sure will be glad to see you,Mom & Dad. Have you been playing with all your new Christmas toys?
    Love Granmal

  2. Hi Buddy
    I know you must be keeping Mom&Dad so busy. You sure have grow, and are moving right along I see. Keep working hard at it, You will be crawling so soon. I sure will be glad to see you,Mom & Dad. Have you been playing with all your new Christmas toys?
    Love Granmal

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